works - 14 - Nappe

Considering Taiwan’s cultural values and geographical condition, FAHR presents NAPPE, a piece related to the Jade mountain, the highest peak of the island and a symbol of purity, honesty and national values, and Taiwan’s topographic characteristics.
In geology, Nappe is a large sheet of rock, that due to the tectonic movements as been moved from its original position over another rock mass, creating an accidental breach into the Earth’s geological structure.

As result of our study, Nappe takes form as the digital manipulation of an ortogonal grid or an accident, emerging from the ground and creating a scenic wireframe structure that releases the sidewalk for people’s daily movements. The resulting space as multiple possibilities of use, from presentations to performances, concerts, etc.

The lightness and transparency of the structure draws a dynamic and morphological image that invites people to approach and develop a closer relationship with the piece. At night Nappe reacts to its surroundings, like people approximation and weather conditions, generating different light patterns through a game of intensity/vibration.


Hugo Reis, Filipa Frois Almeida, Catarina Azevedo, Sérgio Marafona, Henry Ko


Artfield - Huichen Wu


NCREP + He-Lin Structural Engineer & Associate


He Ten Creation Center

light design

FAHR 021.3

lighting project

NoiseKitchen Art


Yuchen Chao


Taipower Company’s Public Art


Taipei, Taiwan



140302 Nappe
140303 Nappe
140304 Nappe
140305 Nappe
140306 Nappe
140308 Nappe
140309 Nappe
140311 Nappe
140312 Nappe
140313 Nappe
140314 Nappe
140315 Nappe
140401 - Nappe - general plan and elevation
General plan and elevation
140402 - Nappe - plan
140403 - Nappe - Elevation
140404 - Nappe - Intersection details
140405 - Nappe -intersections
140406 -Nappe- Intersection colours
Intersection colours
140501 - Nappe - morphology studies
Morphology studies
140502 - Nappe -morphology studies
Morphology studies
Night video
works - 14 - Nappe

Considering Taiwan’s cultural values and geographical condition, FAHR presents NAPPE, a piece related to the Jade mountain, the highest peak of the island and a symbol of purity, honesty and national values, and Taiwan’s topographic characteristics.
In geology, Nappe is a large sheet of rock, that due to the tectonic movements as been moved from its original position over another rock mass, creating an accidental breach into the Earth’s geological structure.

As result of our study, Nappe takes form as the digital manipulation of an ortogonal grid or an accident, emerging from the ground and creating a scenic wireframe structure that releases the sidewalk for people’s daily movements. The resulting space as multiple possibilities of use, from presentations to performances, concerts, etc.

The lightness and transparency of the structure draws a dynamic and morphological image that invites people to approach and develop a closer relationship with the piece. At night Nappe reacts to its surroundings, like people approximation and weather conditions, generating different light patterns through a game of intensity/vibration.


Hugo Reis, Filipa Frois Almeida, Catarina Azevedo, Sérgio Marafona, Henry Ko


Artfield - Huichen Wu


NCREP + He-Lin Structural Engineer & Associate


He Ten Creation Center

light design

FAHR 021.3

lighting project

NoiseKitchen Art


Yuchen Chao


Taipower Company’s Public Art


Taipei, Taiwan



140302 Nappe
140303 Nappe
140304 Nappe
140305 Nappe
140306 Nappe
140308 Nappe
140309 Nappe
140311 Nappe
140312 Nappe
140313 Nappe
140314 Nappe
140315 Nappe
140401 - Nappe - general plan and elevation
140402 - Nappe - plan
140403 - Nappe - Elevation
140404 - Nappe - Intersection details
140405 - Nappe -intersections
140406 -Nappe- Intersection colours
140501 - Nappe - morphology studies
140502 - Nappe -morphology studies desenvolvido por Bondhabits. Agência de marketing digital e desenvolvimento de websites e desenvolvimento de apps mobile